For as long as I can remember I have always been interested in environmental protection and a fervent defender of the natural world.
To me there is nothing more beautiful than nature and for that reason alone we need to preserve it!
Raising awareness of major global and local environmental problems
My concern for the environment and my love of writing have inspired me to create this blog, in order to raise awareness of major global and local environmental problems.
Sadly, planet Earth is under threat from human activities and whilst most people have heard of global issues such as climate change, deforestation or biodiversity loss, they often wonder what they can do about them on an individual level.

To me there is nothing more beautiful than nature and for that reason alone we need to preserve it!
Helping individuals to make their life greener
The aim of Colour Me Green is therefore to offer insight into the most pressing environmental issues, whilst also providing tips and solutions on how to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle and make your life a little greener each day, without (too) much personal sacrifice!
So, whether you have decided to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle, or you are thinking of the best reusable products to buy, or if you just want to better understand fundamental environmental concepts, Colour me Green is designed to help you make the right decisions when it comes to making your life more sustainable.

I recently became a zero-waste advocate and I hope that through this blog, I can inspire others to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.
If you have any questions or comments, then please do not hesitate to reach out using the contact form or follow us on social media.
I hope you enjoy the read!